Frugal Tips

Have you ever wanted to be more frugal? Didn’t know where to start? Keep reading. Below are some tips to be more frugal in everyday life.

Make a budget and stick to it! When I first created my budget I had NO IDEA we were spending over $100 a month on fast food

Meal Plan, Meal planning not only will save money but will also keep you from needing to eat out and keeping your budget on track

Eat or freeze leftovers, eating or freezing leftovers will save money because you will not need to buy extra food for lunches

Cut back on eating out, before I budgeted and meal planned We were spending over $100 a month on fast food. We cut that in half!

Start a garden even if it is a small one, anything is better than nothing.

Make your coffee at home you could be spending up to $5 for a coffee from Starbucks. Make your own for a fraction of the cost and you can control the ingredients.

Use hand towels instead of paper I still buy paper towels, but only need to replace every couple of months. I bought some handtowels from Walmart

Switch to non-name brand detergent I have been using Purex for years a big bottle cost around $7 and last a long time

Shop Used clothing stores I actually LOVE to go hunting for new clothes this way!

Rent DVDs from Redbox renting from Redbox instead of Pay Per View can save up to $2 per movie( as long as you remember to return them!)

Save and reuse gift bags I do this every year for Christmas. I save the previous bags and regift with the new gift the next

All of these things I already do, but so many more things are frugal. I can only aspire to be more frugal.

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