Calories Vs Carbs in Milk and Half & Half.

The question I have been asking is half & half really more low carb than 2 % milk?

On the left is great value(Walmart) half & half, on the right is great value 2 % milk. When looking at the label without the serving size it does look as though half and half is significantly lower at a 1 carb compared to 12 carbs in 2 % milk.

Now let’s look at serving sizes. Half & half has 2 tablespoons per serving. It would take 8 serving to equal 1 cup.

Milks serving size is a cup. There are 16 tablespoons in one cup.

Now let’s do the math…

So you can see the carb amount isn’t that different between the two. The calorie count is almost twice for half & half compared to milk too. So I guess it depends if you would rather trade less than half a carb for more calories.

Some days I don’t have carbs to spare, some days I don’t have calories. It just depends.

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